1993 A to Z: H is for…
Woohoo, we’re back, baby! And it is once again time for . . .
1993 A to Z!
Today we’re talking all things “H”—each of which get shout-outs in my new 90s-themed time travel novel, Rewind.
You ready to roll??
H is for . . .
high-waisted jeans
Sometimes ultra-cool (as worn here by Jenny Garth on Beverly Hills 90210), sometimes anything but (as worn by your dad), high-waisted jeans were all the rage in 1993. They came in lots of different varieties: straight-leg, shorts, ultra poofy… Once derided as “mom jeans,” this style has recently—you guessed it—made a big comeback.
Special props to . . .
“What is love?
Oh, baby, don’t hurt me
Don’t hurt me
No more
Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh”
If you had to name one Trinidadian-German Eurodance singer from the 90s . . . well, okay, maybe none would come to mind. But I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that you do, in fact, know this singer’s most popular tune, “What Is Love.” (There’s no question mark in the song title. Believe me. I checked like 40 times.) This song still pops up everywhere, from strange Pepsi ads to that SNL skit that inspired A Night at the Roxbury. (I tried and tried to find a good video clip of those ubiquitous skits, but apparently NBC has them under tight wraps.) The original Haddaway music video for the song is so 1993 it’s incredible, with bodysuited lady vampires and low-budget deliciousness. And the dance in this live performance could 100% be used as a killer workout routine. One thing is clear, this song sticks in your head, and it’s not going anywhere—which is just one of the reasons I used it as the title for Chapter 11 in Rewind. (You can find the full playlist of songs I used as chapter titles in my book here!) Thanks, Mr. Haddaway!
. . . And that’s all for letter “H.” Let me know thoughts in the comments—did I hit the nail on the head, or screw up royally with these choices? Tomorrow, of course, we’ll be moving on to letter “I.” Need something to read while you wait? Check out Rewind here! :)
Happy reading!
♥ Lisa
P.S. To read all the posts in the “1993 A to Z” series, click here!