1993 A to Z: N is for…

Oh, snap! We have officially moved on to the second half of the alphabet in my new blog series . . .

1993 A to Z!

Today, of course, we’re discussing 90s things that start with “N.” As always, each of the things mentioned here gets a shout-out (or more!) in my novel Rewind. (P.S. The book is rad and you probably want to read it! Just sayin’.)


N is for . . .

[Image courtesy of refinery29.com]

The New Mickey Mouse Club

Full disclosure: while writing this post I discovered that the version of this show I was infatuated with was actually called “The All-New Mickey Mouse Club.” However, there are a lot of “A” words for 1993 and a dearth of “N”s, so I am keeping it here. Sue me.

In the early 90s, my all-time favorite after-school TV show was this one: The (All) New Mickey Mouse Club. Launched in 1989, the show featured an incredible number of soon-to-be-mega-famous performers as teens, including Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Keri Russell, and the future Ken himself, Ryan Gosling. (My personal favorite cast member was always oft-overlooked Lindsey.) Ready for a big ole hit of nostalgia? Just watch the intro video for the 1993 season of the MMC (as we fans liked to call it). Also, some of those skits were just priceless, weren’t they??


Special props to . . .

[Image courtesy of Wikipedia]


I told you there aren’t a lot of good 1993 words that begin with “N”! For real, though, in the 90s, folks were still getting their news via good old-fashioned newspapers, the kind that sometimes left your fingers smeared with ink and were super useful for wrapping up dishes during a move. In Rewind, McKinley is blown away by the existence of newspaper boxes, where you can insert a quarter and get a whole paper! It was a different time, for sure . . .



. . . And so conclude the “N”s of 1993. Are there even more I forgot? Let me know in the comments. Tomorrow we’ll be digging into “O”! If you need something to read while you wait, may I suggest . . . Rewind? :)

Happy reading!


P.S. To read all the posts in the “1993 A to Z” series, click here!



1993 A to Z: O is for . . .


Two new events for the release of REWIND!